Audiobooks News - Changes Coming!
Update 03/30/2023: Audiobooks are now available on Audible and iTunes! ~ I recently acquired full production rights from my awesome narrator, Lisa Wiley, and am in the process of republishing my audiobooks. "Full Production Rights" - What the heck does that mean? Simply put, my audiobooks are currently being reviewed for publishing under a new contract. These titles will…
From the Writing Loft | Audiobook News
First let me say a big thanks to the readers who’ve contacted me on social media, through email, and via the Contact page here on my website. I’m overwhelmed at the responses to my writing. I love that you love the paranormal stories I somehow manage to pull from my brain and get onto the page. Again—thank you! Where I’m…
Lost Time Update | Life in the Indie Lane
This year has been what I call “crazy-busy.” Lost Time has seen not one, not two, but THREE incarnations! When I published the second book in the trilogy, Lost Time had made it to round one of the editing stages. We were on track for an early fall publication. Then life happened — in spades. Long story short, due to…
All Things Otherworldly
Welcome to my dedicated space for all things otherworldly. Most of what you’ll find here will relate to my personal experiences with haunted locations, and the psychic senses gifted to me. If you follow the posts on this blog, and have read my paranormal mysteries, you’ll see a part of me channeled into characters whose lives are constantly pulled outside…